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1970 2024
5 results
  • Evolving patterns of extreme publishing behavior across science
    Author information for: Hyperprolific physics authors by year 2000-2022 inclusive. Author needs to have 73 or more publications in a year to qualify and their main field from 2000 to 2022 is Physics & Astronomy Hyperprolific non-physics authors by year 2000-2022 inclusive. Author needs to have 73 or more publications in a year to qualify and their main field from 2000 to 2022 must not be Physics & Astronomy Almost Hyperprolific physics authors by year 2000-2022 inclusive. Author needs to have between 61 and 72 publications in a year to qualify and their main field from 2000 to 2022 is Physics & Astronomy Almost Hyperprolific non-physics authors by year 2000-2022 inclusive. Author needs to have between 61 and 72 publications in a year to qualify and their main field from 2000 to 2022 must not be Physics & Astronomy Data: year - The year of publication of the articles, reviews, and conference proceedings analyzed in this study author_field - The primary field assigned to the author based upon publications and share of publications in the field field - The ScienceMetrix field classification of the journal the publication appears in Pubs_in_field_year - Total number of publications by the author in the given year in the given field Pubs_year_total - Total number of publications by the author in the given year Pubs_in_field_2000_2022 - Total number of publications by the author in the period 2000 to 2022 in the given field, Pubs_2000_2022_total - Total number of publications by the author in the period 2000 to 2022 rank - The author's rank, within their SM subfield, based on citation count rank (ns) - The author's rank, within their SM subfield, based on citation count with self citations excluded sm-subfield-1 - The author's SM subfield rank sm-subfield-1 - The author's rank, within their SM subfield, based upon their citation score rank sm-subfield-1 (ns) - The author's rank, within their SM subfield, based upon their citation score excluding self citations sm-subfield-1 count - The number of authors in the SM subfield Subfield_Percentile - 100 * rank/count Subfield_Percentile_ns - 100 * rank (ns)/count author_name - Author's name from their Scopus Author Profile hidx - The author's career H-Index affil_name - The name of the author's most recent affiliation cntry - The country of the author's most recent affiliation Total_Pubs - The number of articles, reviews, and conference proceedings from the affiliation in the period Pubs_with_more_than_100_authors - The number of articles, reviews, and conference proceedings from the affiliation in the period with more than 100 authors Pubs_with_more_than_500_authors - The number of articles, reviews, and conference proceedings from the affiliation in the period with more than 500 authors Pubs_with_more_than_1000_authors - The number of articles, reviews, and conference proceedings from the affiliation in the period with more than 1000 authors
    • Dataset
  • jdksjdks
    • Collection
  • Clinician of the Future - survey data
    2023 survey of 2,607 clinicians from 116 countries (building on a 2022 survey conducted with IPSOS). Fieldwork April and May 2023. Methodology: a random sample of clinicians (doctors and nurses in primary and secondary care) from a variety of sources. Survey sent branded on behalf of Elsevier. Survey tool: online survey available in English, Spanish, Chinese (simplified), French, German, Japanese and Portuguese.
    • Dataset
  • Erin test 1
    • Dataset
  • Test dataset 2
    Testing submission and curation process
    • Dataset